Objective. HIV and tuberculosis represent diseases of major public health importance worldwide. Very little is known about HIVTB\ncoinfection among pregnant women, especially fromindustrialized settings. In this study, we examined the association between\nTB, HIV, and HIV-TB coinfection among pregnant mothers and obstetric complications, alcohol use, drug abuse, and depression.\nMethod. We examined inpatient hospital discharges in the United States from January 1, 2002, through December 31, 2014. We\nemployed multivariable survey logistic regression to generate adjusted estimates for the association between infection status and\nstudy outcomes. Results. We analyzed approximately 57 million records of pregnant women and their delivery information. HIVTB\ncoinfection was associated with the highest risks for several obstetric complications, alcohol use, and drug abuse. The risk\nfor alcohol abuse was more than twice as high among HIV-monoinfected as compared to TB-monoinfected mothers. That risk\ngap more than doubled with HIV-TB coinfection. Both HIV-monoinfected and HIV-TB coinfected mothers experienced similarly\nincreased risks for depression. Conclusions.Mothers with HIV-TB coinfection experienced relatively heightened risks for obstetric\ncomplications, alcohol use, and drug abuse. The findings of this study underscore the importance of augmenting and enhancing\nsocial and structural support systems for HIV-TB coinfected pregnant women.